Current members

Y Baraud

Yannick Baraud

ERA Chair Holder

University of Luxembourg

A Lecestre

Alexandre Lecestre

Doctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

G Bernard

Gaspard Bernard

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

Y Nachit

Yassine Nachit

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

Ujan Gangopadhyay

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

G Palmirotta

Guendalina Palmirotta

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

Past members

Juntong Chen

Juntong Chen

Doctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg


Guillaume Maillard

Post-doctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

Hélène Halconruy

Post-doctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg


Katerine Saleme Ruiz

Post-doctoral researcher

University of Luxembourg

Mathéo Bolland Chastel

Intern April-July 2021

Katharzyna Mroz

Intern June-November 2023