Winter School on Mathematical Statistics
The ERA Chair Team organised an online Winter School on Mathematical Statistics from 7 to 11 December 2020. This school, aimed at young researchers offered an excellent opportunity to learn about recent and important developments in mathematical statistics directly from leaders in their respective fields. Some PhD students and postdocs had the opportunity to present their work in a 30-minute talk.
More than 60 doctoral candidates from universities around the world attended the online winter school on mathematical statistics organised by the University of Luxembourg in the frame of the ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science “SanDAL”. Read the full news
The following three courses were offered:
Non-parametric Inference under Local Differential Privacy
Cristina Butucea (CREST ENSAE, Université ParisTech)
Principal Component Analysis: some recent results and applications
Karim Lounici (CMAP-Ecole Polytechnique)
Statistical inference of incomplete data models to analyse ecological networks
Stéphane Robin (AgroParisTech/INRA/univ. Paris Saclay & Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
Local organisers are Yannick Baraud and Simon Campese from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg. Any question? Contact sandalschool@uni.lu
2 ECTS can be awarded to the University of Luxembourg’s doctoral candidates, who :
- Will be selected to present their Thesis work during the Winter School and will write a summary report about their preferred course; or
- Will write a summary report about the 3 courses (upon organizer’s approval and control).