Data Science Summer School 2023: young students play with data
From 17 to 19 July 2023, a group of 13 high-school students from Luxembourg learned more about data science through interactive workshops and activities on Belval campus.
Les statistiques au service de la santé: les professionnels en parlent
Le 9 juin 2023, l’Université du Luxembourg et l’Association Nationale des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Luxembourg (ANIL) ont organisé une conférence sur l’importance de la culture des données dans le domaine des soins de santé.
Luxembourg and Japanese Universities exchange about data science
The Luxembourg-Waseda conference on Modelling and Inference for Complex Data took place from January 23-25 at the University of Luxembourg in hybrid mode. Around 100 participants registered online and in person for this event which offered a quite diversified and broad range of methods and tools to deal with complex data.
A summer school and conference about statistics
From 18 to 20 July 2022, around 40 people participated in the 3-Day meeting of Statisticians in Paris hosted by Institut Henri Poincaré.
First Master student promotion in Data Science
Launched in September 2021 with 17 students from all over the world, the Master of Data Science was officially inaugurated on 7 February 2022 at the University of Luxembourg on Belval campus.
Data Science Summer School: success for the first edition
The first edition of the Data Science Summer School gathered 12 secondary school students from 19 to 23 July 2021 on Belval campus to learn more about data science.
Statistics: a constantly evolving field
On the occasion of the International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields (ICON STARF) which took place remotely on 12-16 July 2021, young researchers and renowned experts from around the world exchanged about the latest mathematical development in the field of statistics.
Participation to the “Séminaire Parisien de Statistique”
On the 12th of April 2021, two members of the SanDAL team namely, Prof. Yannick Baraud and Dr. Guillaume Maillard, were invited to give a talk to the “Séminaire Parisien de Statistique”, a seminar that brings together all mathematicians who work in Paris and its suburbs.
New Master on Data Science at the University of Luxembourg
The SanDAL project supported the creation of a new Master on Data Science at the University of Luxembourg starting in September 2021.
Young mathematicians exchange about data science
From 7 to 11 December 2020, more than 60 doctoral candidates from universities around the world attended the online winter school on mathematical statistics organised by the University of Luxembourg in the frame of the ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science “SanDAL”. The winter school was introduced by Prof. Yannick Baraud, ERA Chair … Continued
SanDAL workshop on Data Science: great interest among researchers
The interdisciplinary workshop organised on 13-14 October 2020 at the University of Luxembourg gathered more than 60 participants in the frame of the European project “ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science – SanDAL”. The workshop fostered exchanges about recent research activities on data science carried out at the University in life sciences, physics, … Continued
A pleiad of scientific events
The SanDAL team is currently working hard to offer you the best quality events to address your needs and all your questions regarding Mathematical Statistics and Data Science. The SanDAL events will address different audience from students to experienced researchers and will demonstrate the excellence of the University of Luxembourg in the field. In the … Continued
EC gives SanDAL’s progress the thumbs up!
The SanDAL project was recently reviewed by the EC to evaluate the progress made over the project’s first 15 months. So far, the project’s achievements already include: Recruitment of the ERA Chair holder: Prof. Yannick Baraud Recruitment of two PhD students Recruitment of one Experienced Researcher Publication of a Strategic Research Programme Delivery of a … Continued
Register now for SANDAL Winter School on Mathematical Statistics
The Winter School on Mathematical Statistics organised by the SANDAL team is now open for registration. The event will take place on the 7-11 December 2020 at the University of Luxembourg on Belval campus. The school is aimed at young researchers (PhD students and early postdocs) and practitioners alike and offers an excellent opportunity to … Continued
SanDAL to host first international conference in 2021
The ERA Chair team is pleased to announce that the project will be hosting their first big scientific event, which will be the International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields. It is expected to take place between 12-16 July 2021 and will feature a range of plenary speakers who are experts in the field worldwide, including … Continued
Scientific Seminars
Since his recruitment at the University of Luxembourg, Dr. Yannick Baraud has launched regular monthly seminars which aim to attract junior yet renowned experts in topics relevant to Mathematical Statistics, Probability and Data Science. These SanDAL seminars have been integrated into the existing “Probability and Statistics seminar”, organised by a group of mathematics professors in … Continued
Announcement: Summer School in Statistics (postponed)
UPDATE (17/04/2020): Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event has been postponed. The new dates will be determined when possible. The first SanDAL Summer in Statistics will take place from June 29-July 3, 2020. The school is aimed at young researchers (PhD students and early postdocs) and practicioners alike and offers an … Continued
The Official Welcome: SanDAL Inaugural Lecture
The SanDAL Inaugural Lecture took place on January 23rd, 2020, as an excellent opportunity to introduce ERA Chair Holder Dr. Yannick Baraud to the diverse community involved in Statistics and Data Science. The hosting of this event is a regular tradition for the University of Luxembourg, which commenced with the Dean of the Faculty of … Continued
SanDAL 1st Stakeholder Workshop
Copyright © Université du Luxembourg 2020 Following the SanDAL Inaugural Lecture, the first SanDAL workshop focused on stakeholders was also hosted by the project on January 23, 2020. This stakeholder workshop featured a round table discussion between invited participants from influential industrial, research and policy-shaping bodies: Chambre des Salariés (CSL), Statec, European Investment Bank (EIB), … Continued
Meet the ERA-Chair Holder: Q&A with Prof. Yannick Baraud
Dr. Yannick Baraud joined the University of Luxembourg as the ERA-Chair holder of the SanDAL project, the multidisciplinary ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science (MS&DS), funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The SanDAL project focuses on boosting the research excellence of the university’s Mathematics Research Unit in two … Continued
Inaugural lecture on 23 January 2020
The SanDAL project is pleased to announce that the official “Inaugural Lecture” of Prof. Yannick Baraud will be held on 23 January 2020 at 15:30 at the University of Luxembourg (Campus Belval). This occasion will begin with an open event to all attendees (students, academic staff, industry, stakeholders, among others) to learn about the aims of … Continued
Prof. Yannick Baraud appointed as ERA chair holder in data science
Professor Yannick Baraud has recently joined the University of Luxembourg as responsible for the European Research Area (ERA) Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science entitled “SanDAL”. Within the Mathematics Research Unit, he will create a high-level research group in mathematical statistics and data science. Funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 research and innovation … Continued
SanDAL at «Journée européenne de la Statistique»
To celebrate the European Statistics Day or « Journée Européene de la Statistique », which occurs for the 4th time on October 20th, an open event will take place in Luxembourg to focus on the significance of this discipline. Hosted by the Luxembourg Science Centre and STATEC, this event will take place on October 19th and will … Continued
SanDAL at “StatMathAppli” International Conference
Between 2-6 September 2019, researchers from the SanDAL ERA Chair participated in the international conference “Statistiques Mathématiques et Applications” in Fréjus, France. Organised every two years, this event was an excellent opportunity for the individuals from the University of Luxembourg to meet with young researchers and experienced statisticians, participating in discussions and demonstrating their work … Continued
Kick-off meeting SanDAL
The kick-off meeting of the “ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science – SanDAL” took place on 31 January 2019 in Belval. In 2018, the University of Luxembourg received the prestigious ERA (European Research Area) Chair grant under the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework programme. With a budget of 2.5 million euros for the period 2019-2024, … Continued
University receives 2.5 million euros for research in data science
The University of Luxembourg has recently been awarded a prestigious ERA (European Research Area) Chair grant under the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework programme. With a budget of 2.5 million euros for the period 2019-2024, the university will create a high-level research group in mathematical statistics and data science. It is the very first time that … Continued