From 18 to 20 July 2022, around 40 people participated in the 3-Day meeting of Statisticians in Paris hosted by Institut Henri Poincaré. Participants had the chance to listen to leading researchers in the domains of Statistical Learning and Shape-constrained Estimation to discuss recent advances. 9 young researchers were also invited to present their own research project via a young research session.
The University of Luxembourg and SanDal organised and financed this event which included 2 mini courses entitled “Nonparametric inference under shape constraints” by Richard Samworth (University of Cambridge) and “Mathematical aspects of Gaussian processes for machine learning” by Ingo Steinwart (University of Stuttgart), 6 talks and some young researchers’ sessions.

Yannick Baraud, Professor at the University of Luxembourg and main organiser said: “The quality of the courses offered by Professors Samworth and Steinwart was very impressive. They provided a comprehensive overview of the most fundamental tools and results in their fields. More generally, all the lectures given by the guest speakers were of outstanding quality. We saw some very striking and surprising results in the field of statistical learning and shape-constrained estimation. Some of the ideas and tools presented in this conference will certainly inspire the younger generation of researchers to solve complex problems in the future. The organisation of the workshop allowed time for many stimulating discussions between all participants in a very friendly atmosphere. A number of participants expressed the wish to repeat this type of conference in the future. It was a real success “.

The social event included a tour on the Seine
Hélène Halconruy, organizer and presenter mentioned that: “the conference succeeded in providing a current snapshot of recent advances in the hot topics of statistical learning and shape-constrained estimation. This on the European scene with representatives from prestigious universities such as Cambridge University, Universität zu Berlin or Université Paris-Saclay. All the presentations opened perspectives to promising young researchers who were able to present their work during sessions dedicated to them. In the spirit of the Institut Henri Poincaré, famous place of mathematical meetings in France, the exchanges between the participants were rich, numerous and convivial. We received many messages of thanks and some asked us to make it an annual event!“.
After the lectures, a trip on the Seine gave the opportunity to the participants to enjoy Paris in a different scenery, “Everyone seemed really happy with the quality of the presentations and the friendly and warm atmosphere,” said Hélène Halconruy.