The interdisciplinary workshop organised on 13-14 October 2020 at the University of Luxembourg gathered more than 60 participants in the frame of the European project “ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science – SanDAL”. The workshop fostered exchanges about recent research activities on data science carried out at the University in life sciences, physics, economics, computer science and mathematics.
After an introduction by Prof. Jean-Marc Schlenker, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) who underlined the importance to position the University of Luxembourg as a leader in data science, Prof. Yannick Baraud, SanDAL ERA Chair holder, gave an overview of the SanDAL project which will boost research and training in mathematical statistics and data science at the University of Luxembourg.

Then, nine professors from different departments of the University of Luxembourg presented their research activities and more specifically the type of data they process and the tools they use. The workshop enabled discussion and interaction between students, professors and researchers. Many collaborations are already planned: “This workshop demonstrates how important it is to share our research activities not only externally but also internally to identify future potential synergies,” comments Prof. Yannick Baraud.
More pictures of the Workshop on Data Science
Two SanDAL events are already planned: