Between 2-6 September 2019, researchers from the SanDAL ERA Chair participated in the international conference “Statistiques Mathématiques et Applications” in Fréjus, France. Organised every two years, this event was an excellent opportunity for the individuals from the University of Luxembourg to meet with young researchers and experienced statisticians, participating in discussions and demonstrating their work in the field.
The comprehensive programme took place at La Villa Clythia-CAES du CNRS consisted of lectures given by world-renowned researchers presenting methods of mathematical statistics or more generally applied mathematics, in relation to applications, and on the other side, on the talks of several participants.
The event was organised by Université Paris Sud (Département de Mathématiques) and INRA (Unité Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées du Génome à l’Environnement). It was also supported by a widespread scientific committee, including Google Research, Stanford University, ETH Zurich, and Leiden University.
For more information regarding this event, please visit the conference website. Venue photo courtesy of “StatMathAppli”.