Copyright © Université du Luxembourg 2020
Following the SanDAL Inaugural Lecture, the first SanDAL workshop focused on stakeholders was also hosted by the project on January 23, 2020. This stakeholder workshop featured a round table discussion between invited participants from influential industrial, research and policy-shaping bodies: Chambre des Salariés (CSL), Statec, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), Telindus, and Talkwalker, and other UL departments (Economics). The overall theme of the workshop was: Science education policy for data science in Luxembourg.
During the event, these experts shared their insight on the Data Science gaps and weaknesses they have encountered in the Luxembourg landscape, which targeted the three following areas:
- Current and future needs for data science trained work force in Luxembourg
- Potential role of the University of Luxembourg to help address the data science educational needs in Luxembourg
- Opportunities for collaboration in data science education with the Greater Luxembourg region
Based on the input generated from this round table workshop discussion, the SanDAL team will work towards creating competitive teaching programmes at the University of Luxembourg and to further develop strategic academic and industry opportunities in MS&DS.